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Calu-3 Cell Line

Calu-3 is a tumorigenic cell line that was established from the lung tissue a 25-year-old Caucasian male with adenocarcinoma. The patient had been treated with Cytoxan, Bleomycin, and Adriamycin before the tissue sample was taken. Calu-3 has a hypotriploid stemline chromosome number and expresses antigens blood type A and Rh+. Calu-3 cells display an epithelial morphology and adherent cultural properties. The Calu-3 cell line can be used to study lung cancer by following in vivo  or  in vitro transfection methods, and Altogen Biosystems has a Calu-3 xenograft model  and a Calu-3 Transfection Reagent  commercially available.
Recent posts

Comparison of Structure and Transport Function Between Calu-3 and Other Lung Epithelial Cells

In this study, researchers conducted side-by-side experiments to compare the structure and transport function of three lung epithelial cell lines, which include: Calu-3, normal human bronchial primary cells (NHBE), and NL-20. The three cell lines were cultured in air-liquid interface (ALI) culture conditions for 20 days. Results from various assays found that Calu-3 and NHBE cells exhibited lower paracellular permeability and higher TEER values compared to NL-20 cells. Calu-3 cells were found to form intact cell monolayers, whereas NHBE and NL-20 cells formed multilayers. Calu-3 also exhibited cytometric features for mimicking an in vivo  airway epithelium. These findings suggest that the monolayers formed in Calu-3 cells have the potential to be used as functional cell barriers for the transport of lung-targeted drugs. [ LINK ]

Calu-3 Cells Respond to Epinephrine

Calu-3 cells are characterized as a human bronchial cell line composed of serous cells of airway submucosal glands that are responsible for secreting electrolytes that facilitate airway hydration. This study analyzes the effect of epinephrine on Calu-3 electrolyte transport. Results found that epinephrine stimulated anion secretion through two different channels: cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and a Ca2+ activated Chlorine channel, in turn altering mucociliary clearance. Treating Calu-3 cells with epinephrine also resulted in increased cAMP and Ca2+. [ LINK ]

Xenograft Models and Calu-3 Resources from Altogen Biosystems

Altogen Biosystems is a global provider and custom research organization for genetic research. Biological services and other experiments include ELISA testing, cell transfection optimization, stable transfection of cells, RNAi testing and more. Dedicated to helping customers with state-of-the-art and specialized services, Altogen Biosystems strives to advance modern clinical discoveries. Visit the official xenograft catalogue for a Calu-3 xenograft model .

Calu-3 Cells for Lung Cancer Drug Development

Lung cancer is one of the more prominent cancers known to the medical field, with non-small cell lung carcionma (NSCLC) being the most common. Calu-3 cells come from such a cancer, and are useful tools in medical research evaluating the effects of genetic modification on cell proliferation. With the proper reagents , transfected siRNA, DNA, and RNA sequences can affect cell functionality and lead to important results that inform preclinical testing and in vitro  effects of gene therapies and drugs.

Calu-3 Transfection Reagent (Lung Carcinoma Cells, HTB-55)

The Calu-3 cell line was derived from the carcinomatous lung tissue of a 25 year old Caucasian male suffering from adenocarcinoma. Before the cell line was established the patient had received therapy with bleomycin ,  cytoxan, and adriamycin. The tumorigenic, epithelial cells of the Calu-3 cell line are now used to produce a  transfection host model for various types of lung cancer as well as other biomedical research. The Calu-3 transfection reagents established by  Altogen Biosystems  allow an intracellular delivery of  pDNA, mRNA and  siRNA and the recombinant protein expression desired in certain research.  Calu-3 Transfection Reagent (Lung Carcinoma Cells, HTB-55)